News Education Mallards

PHOTO GALLERY: Egg Salvage Hatchery Tour at Rancho Esquon

Ducklings? Kids? What's not to love? Brace yourself for a whole lot of adorableness from today's tour of the Egg Salvage Hatchery at Rancho Esquon.
News Press release Magazine

Summer issue on its way to members

June 1, 2021—The Summer issue of California Waterfowl has begun landing in members’ mailboxes. Not a member?
News Klamath

Lower Klamath water rights purchase update

California Waterfowl's effort to purchase water rights for the Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge is awaiting approvals.
News Advocacy

Mallard breeding habitat, combination license bills advance

Two state bills sponsored by California Waterfowl were approved in their houses of origin this week: AB 614 (funds Nesting Bird Habitat Incentive Program) and SB 470 (creates a combination hunting and fishing license).
News Klamath

The Klamath Effect

The effects of little water for the nation's first waterfowl refuge ripple across the entire state. (From Summer 2021 issue of California Waterfowl Magazine).
News Advocacy

Legislation we'll back and fight

Bills California Waterfowl is supporting or opposing in the 2021 Legislature (from Summer 2021 issue of California Waterfowl Magazine).
News Wetland restoration

Changes at Suisun Marsh, Tulare Basin

An update on wetland work in the Suisun Marsh and Tulare Basin (from Summer 2021 issue of California Waterfowl Magazine).

Canine Corner: Going live

Opening day isn't the time to introduce your pup to feathers (from Summer 2021 issue of California Waterfowl Magazine).
News Press release

CWA welcomes new assistant magazine editor

California Waterfowl is pleased to welcome Julie Do as assistant editor of California Waterfowl Magazine. Do tells us how she went in a few short years from being someone who didn't even know she was interested in wildlife to working in communications for a robust and influential conservation organization.
News Press release Klamath

CWA lauds proposed aid package that would help Klamath refuges

California Waterfowl lauds a proposal by two congressmen from Northern California and Oregon to provide $57 million in aid for the Klamath Basin, including $2.5 million to help two national wildlife refuges that are drying up.
News Advocacy Mallards

Photo gallery: Lawmaker visits mallard nesting habitat

Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry toured a farm-country field today to see firsthand how cover crops can provide incredible nesting habitat for California's mallards (and gadwalls and red-winged blackbirds).
News Advocacy

CWA and partners stop dog breeder permit bill

A bill that would have prohibited someone from maintaining a dog kennel for breeding purposes without first obtaining a breeder permit is dead for the year.
News Advocacy

Bill would DOUBLE tax on guns and ammo in CA

CWA asked its supporters today to help fight a bill that would double the excise taxes on guns and ammunition in California.
News Press release Wetland restoration

CWA receives nearly $2M in habitat improvement grants

A federal commission approved nearly $2 million in grants to fund California Waterfowl projects in the Imperial Valley and Central Coast.
News Press release Camps & Clinics

CWA partners with KOSC on summer youth camps

Hunter education camps return to Grizzly Ranch this summer, thanks to a partnership between California Waterfowl and Kids Outdoor Sports Camp.
News Klamath

Extreme 2021 water disaster unfolds in the Klamath Basin

The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation announced last week that it would be allocating only 33,000 acre-feet from the Klamath Project this year - an amount that will leave the Klamath Basin's farmers, national wildlife refuges and salmon runs in dire straits.

Statement: California Waterfowl’s position on mallard limits 

APRIL 7, 2021―California Waterfowl’s Board of Directors took action last week on an issue of great c...
News Press release

CWA SURVEY: Hunters speak out on 2020-21 season

April 6, 2021—Hunters reported a lower harvest for the 2020-21 waterfowl season in California, according to the results of CWA's annual end-of-season survey.
News Press release

California Waterfowl statement on the passing of Stephen D. Bechtel Jr.

March 16, 2021—California Waterfowl is deeply saddened by the passing on Monday of Stephen D. Bechtel Jr., a dedic...
News Advocacy Mallards

CWA sponsors bills to support local mallards, create combination license

California lawmakers have introduced two new bills that would benefit local waterfowl conservation e...
News Klamath Mallards

Lower Klamath update: a huge step forward

March 4, 2021—In an exciting development, California Waterfowl has entered into an agreement to purchase rights to...
News Press release Magazine

Spring issue on its way to members

March 4, 2021—The Spring issue of California Waterfowl has begun landing in members’ mailboxes. Not a member?

Agony, ecstasy: Stories from California's newest hunters

Obstacles are different, but the consensus is the same: It's worth it to start waterfowl hunting. Co...
News Gear Guide

New gear reviews: Shotgun, call, waders and e-collar

California Waterfowl staff members love duck and goose hunting as much as you do. As dedicated water...