Chairman's CircleMajor Donor Program


DID YOU KNOW? CWA meets high standards of accountability and transparency, earning Charity Navigator’s three-star rating!

Accredited Land Trust sealWhen you donate today, you can have an immediate impact on the areas of greatest need for waterfowl, wetlands and hunting in California. You can allow us to apply your donation where it is needed most, or you can direct your gift to a special fund below. 


Looking to support our efforts to save the Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge?

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Wetlands Fund

This fund supports managing and restoring wetlands, including acquiring wetlands to ensure access to waterfowl hunting into the future. California Waterfowl does habitat restoration work on public and private land, as well as on its five wetland properties in the Tulare Basin, Suisun Marsh, California Delta and Butte Sink.

California has lost 95% of its historic wetlands; your contribution to this fund helps reverse those losses.

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Waterfowl Fund

This fund supports Egg Salvage, California Wood Duck Program, banding and other efforts to grow waterfowl populations through research and direct aid to breeding populations of waterfowl.

Our Egg Salvage and Wood Duck programs directly combat the effects of habitat loss. Banding waterfowl contributes to data that helps monitor the health of California mallard and pintail populations.

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Education Fund

This fund supports hunter training and K-12 school programs. Hunters drive conservation in California, so the more hunters we have, the more support there will be for conservation.

Our hunter training programs give people the resources they need to become hunter-conservationists. And our K-12 school programs educate all of California's future leaders about the importance of wetlands through our K-12 school programs.

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Advocacy Fund

California Waterfowl has the most comprehensive conservation advocacy program in the state, lobbying not just for policies that help grow waterfowl habitat, but also for hunting and gun laws that don't stifle responsible, sustainable hunting.

Our public policy team works at all levels of government, seeking science-based regulations and bipartisan solutions, and working hand in hand with partner conservation and hunting organizations.

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Delayed Wheat Harvest Incentive Program

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CWA Priorities

Support everything we do for waterfowl, wetlands and hunting. Donating to this fund empowers CWA to address its most pressing needs, whether it's restoring pandemic program cuts or pioneering new ways to help California mallards.

California Waterfowl's three-star Charity Navigator rating is your assurance that we will make the most of your contribution


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Become a Life Member

Demonstrate your deep commitment to the future of waterfowl, wetlands and hunting in California by becoming a Life Member. Life Members' dues go into a special fund used to ensure the future of hunting in California.

Life Members receive a lifetime subscription to California Waterfowl, lapel pin, window decal, free Life Member Print and beautiful plaque that show their new status.

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Other Ways to Donate

Making a gift of cash is the simplest way to increase CWA’s impact immediately, but there are many other ways to give.

Our supporters have donated duck clubs and cars, included CWA in their estate plans and signed up as corporate partners. They also use planned giving, using current tax law to maximize both giving and tax planning.

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Volunteers, members and donors have made California Waterfowl a powerhouse for wetland conservation, education, advocacy and hunter access in California. And CWA meets high standards of accountability and transparency, earning Charity Navigator's three-star rating.

Donor Privacy Policy

To learn more about how your contribution can help, please call 916-648-1406.