Memoriam Donation
Supports all we do for waterfowl, wetlands and hunting

Make a memoriam Donation

Make a donation to California Waterfowl in memory of or as a tribute to someone who has passed away. Your donation on behalf of a loved one will help CWA support everything we do for waterfowl, wetlands and hunter-conservationist communities in California. Donating empowers CWA to address its most pressing needs, whether it's restoring water to the Klamath Basin, funding our veteran & youth programs or sustaining our Egg Salvage Program.

We thank you for taking the time to donate. You will have the option below to have a member of the CWA team send a special notification by postal mail to inform the family of the donation and the option to be personally featured in our next magazine publication. 


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e.g., John Smith
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Notification letters are sent via Postal Mail; We do NOT specify donation amounts in the letter
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e.g., Jane Smith and Family
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e.g., 1346 Blue Oaks Blvd, Roseville CA 95678
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e.g., We loved John Smith and miss him dearly.
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If you do not want to have your name published, type Anonymous