Press release
Wetland restoration
WCB awards $5.7M grant to CWA to improve San Jacinto Wildlife Area
WCB's recently awarded a grant that will allow CWA and CDFW to carry out a joint project that will improve and expand 886 acres of habitat on the San Jacinto Wildlife Area.
Wetland restoration
CWA Applauds Interior Department for Funding Klamath Refuge Projects
See how federal funding is enhancing wetland restoration and hunting access in the Klamath Basin.
Wetland restoration
Proposition 4 Passes, Will Provide Significant Funding to Address Refuge Water Needs
Learn how this bond measure will improve wetland habitats and secure water for wildlife refuges across the state.
Wetland restoration
Wetland Conservation Bills on Governor’s Desk
Two separate pieces of legislation that would better conserve managed wetlands in California are still pending. CWA needs your help to urge the Governor to sign them into law.
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Press release
Wetland restoration
Promotion Announcement: Chadd Santerre, Director of Wetland Programs - NAWCA Coordinator
We are thrilled to announce the promotion of Chadd Santerre to the position of director of wetland programs - NAWCA coordinator at California Waterfowl. Chadd has been an integral part of our organization for over 25 years and is renowned as the nation's leading NAWCA grant recipient.
Member News
Wetland restoration
The Migratory Bird Conservation Partnership is kicking off their BirdReturns Fall Wetland Incentive Program
Get paid to flood your wetlands! Applications opened on May 17th and go until June 9th. Check out the application link in the full story as well as all the major details and requirements.
Member News
Wetland restoration
The final touches were put on Palo Verde Ecological Reserve
New gravel roads and a parking lot, along with seeding of the milo food plots, were done by DFW staff.
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Press release
Wetland restoration
Special announcement: #HearTheHunt for conservation CWA + Tetra
Having conservation at the heart of our mission, we're thrilled to share news of our partnership with Tetra Hearing!
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Wetland restoration
Construction has started with the removal of salt cedar and water control structures at the Imperial Wildlife Area Wister Unit 312 A-C
CWA’s efforts will help to improve habitat conditions for fall and into the future with better management capabilities, all funded by the Wildlife Conservation Board.
Member News
Wetland restoration
CWA Wetlands team started a 500 acre project adjacent to the Colorado River near Blyth California
California Waterfowl through funding by the WIldlife Conservation Board started construction just after the first of the year on a 500 acre project that will be improving 60 acres of seasonal wetland habitat and 440 acres of irrigated food plot habitat adjacent to the Colorado River near Blyth California.
Member News
Wetland restoration
Groundwater Pumping Exemption Bill for Wetlands Clears Assembly
In January, Assembly Bill 828 (Connolly), which would provide a 3-year exemption for managed wetlands from much of the implementation of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), passed the floor of the State Assembly and will next be heard in the State Senate.
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Wetland restoration
Hunting News
Recent Work at Grizzly Island Wildlife Area Update
Summer and Fall work were quite productive at Grizzly Island Wildlife Area. Interior and exterior levee repair was a focus as well as replacing and repairing multiple drain pumps facilitating increased circulation and faster drainage which is imperative to management in brackish marshes
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Wetland restoration
Work for CWA
9th Annual Owens River Clean Up
The 9th Annual Owens River Clean Up hosted by California Waterfowl Association was another big success. Clear skies and warm weather brought out dozens and dozens of volunteers from far and near to help clean up the Owens Valley. It was a great morning of networking
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Wetland restoration
The Popular Rice Levee Program is now open for applications
The Rice Levee Program pays rice farmers to provide waterfowl nesting habitat on the levees, in planted rice fields, during the spring and summer. Applications for the 2024 Season will be open from September 25 – October 30, 2023
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Press release
Wetland restoration
An excellent nationally published article on the Klamath Basin
"A PLEA FOR WATER & HABITAT IN THE KLAMATH BASIN" Written by Shawn Swearingen and Jordan Rash - Helping to point a nationally based focus on the travesty at the Klamath Basin and its importance to the Pacific Flyway and beyond. Please read this story published through and shared through our news site for the entire article.
Member News
Wetland restoration
San Jacinto Wildlife Area Project Summary
California Waterfowl Association undertook complete reconstruction of all the infrastructure during the summer 2023 on the wetland at the entrance to the San Jacinto Wildlife Area. The improvements have allowed independent water delivery to the wetland unit and complete drainage.
Member News
Wetland restoration
Work for CWA
New parking lots & walkways!
CWA's Chadd Santerre is busy at the Imperial Wildlife Area. Take a look and see all of the upgrades happening down south! Click the link at the bottom to see Chadd's video about the updates firsthand.
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Wetland restoration
Work at Imperial’s Wister Unit W11
Work at Imperial’s Wister Unit W11 continues, and we are nearing completion of the first 45 acre western most seasonal wetland unit
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Wetland restoration
RCPP Final Application Reminder
RCPP Final Application Reminder
The application deadline for practices through the Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) is fast approaching. To be eligible for participating in any practices this spring or fall, producers must sign up by May 1, 2023.
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Wetland restoration
Open Enrollment for Nesting Habitat on Private Lands
California Waterfowl Association is currently soliciting landowner applications for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Nesting Bird Habitat Incentive Program. The program is designed to enhance waterfowl nesting habitat this spring and summer.
Member News
Wetland restoration
Work for CWA
Imperial Work Update
Work started this week with scrapers moving lots of dirt at the Imperial Wildlife Area’s Wister Unit’s W11A&C
Press release
Wetland restoration
$1.8 million grant awarded for cooperative Palo Verde project in SoCal
The proposed project will significantly upgrade and restore a total of 500 acres of seasonal wetlands, managed uplands and riparian habitats on the Palo Verde Ecological Reserve, which is adjacent to the Colorado River.
Press release
Wetland restoration
CWA Teams with PG&E and Rice Growers to Protect Species in Central Valley
A recent multi-partner project aims to help both wildlife and rice growers in the Sacramento Valley.
Press release
Wetland restoration
Wetland habitat and public access improved at Butte Valley WA
Almost $1 million was recently spent at Butte Valley Wildlife Area enhancing 1,609 acres of managed seasonal wetlands and uplands. The Wildlife Conservation Board, CA Dept. of Fish & Wildlife, NAWCA and CA Duck Stamp funds contributed to the project.