Apr 26, 2023
Work at Imperial’s Wister Unit W11
Work at Imperial’s Wister Unit W11 continues, and we are nearing completion of the first 45 acre western most seasonal wetland unit. There are islands being installed and swales being cut. The new water control structures have arrived and will be installed once all the dirt work has been completed.
Watergrass seed has arrived and will be used to help give these new units a jump start for this fall migration. Once we complete the dirt work, watergrass will be seeded and irrigations will take place. 7500 lbs of watergrass for the Imperial Wildlife Area has arrived for planting this year to improve feed production on the sites CWA and DFW are conducting habitat restoration work this year. The seed will also be used to jump start growth on last years Y15 project site and other locations on the Wister Unit as well