Sep 11, 2024

Wetland Conservation Bills on Governor’s Desk

Wetland Conservation Bills on Governor’s Desk

Two separate pieces of legislation that would better conserve managed wetlands in California are still pending.  CWA needs your help to urge the Governor to sign them into law.

AB 828 (Connolly) would provide an exemption for certain managed wetlands from the implementation of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), which has facilitated groundwater pumping restrictions and associated fees for landowners in overdrafted groundwater basins.  This includes duck clubs in the Tulare Basin and East Grasslands that rely heavily on groundwater resources to annually flood their wetlands and are currently being threatened by SGMA implementation.

The bill would apply the exemption to managed wetlands on State Wildlife Areas, National Wildlife Refuges, Central Valley Project Improvement Act (CVPIA) habitat areas and private wetlands under conservation easements or other longer-term habitat agreements. 

The exemption would remain effective within a local groundwater basin until a groundwater sustainability plan that considers impacts to managed wetlands has been approved by the Department of Water Resources. The plan must also be approved after January 1, 2025.

AB 2875 (Friedman) would declare the policy of the State of California to ensure no net loss of and long-term gain in the quality, quantity and permanence of wetlands.  The bill essentially codifies into state law the “No Net Loss of Wetlands” executive order that was established under Governor Pete Wilson in 1993. 

Please contact the Governor ASAP to urge him to sign these important bills. Thank you for your assistance.  

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