Apr 21, 2023
RCPP Final Application Reminder
RCPP Final Application Reminder

The application deadline for practices through the Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) is fast approaching. To be eligible for participating in any practices this spring or fall, producers must sign up by May 1, 2023. Applications must be submitted through Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) offices. Below is a summary of the practices that are currently open for enrollment.
Key information about this enrollment
Application Deadline: May 1, 2023
Major Practices:
- Cover for breeding waterfowl on idle ground (cover crops or volunteer veg) this spring through July 15
- Late-summer/early-fall short-term flooding (Seasonal Flooding with Gradual Drawdown)
- Winter flooding with Variable Drawdown – (High and Low Intensity)
- Winter Forage Management for waterbirds
- Habitat Ponds
- Cover Crop planting
Interested producers should visit their local NRCS office directly but general questions can also be directed to Kristin Sesser, Wildlife Programs Manager for the California Rice Commission, at (916) 607-8988 or ksesser@calrice.org.
Full link view here: RCPP Final Application Reminder - California Rice News (calricenews.org)