
CWA statement in response to H&N article

CWA released the following statement in response to an article in today's Klamath Falls Herald and News about the draining of Sump 1B at TLNWR.
News Klamath

Lower Klamath water rights purchase update

California Waterfowl's effort to purchase water rights for the Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge is awaiting approvals.
News Klamath

The Klamath Effect

The effects of little water for the nation's first waterfowl refuge ripple across the entire state. (From Summer 2021 issue of California Waterfowl Magazine).
News Press release Klamath

CWA lauds proposed aid package that would help Klamath refuges

California Waterfowl lauds a proposal by two congressmen from Northern California and Oregon to provide $57 million in aid for the Klamath Basin, including $2.5 million to help two national wildlife refuges that are drying up.
News Klamath

Extreme 2021 water disaster unfolds in the Klamath Basin

The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation announced last week that it would be allocating only 33,000 acre-feet from the Klamath Project this year - an amount that will leave the Klamath Basin's farmers, national wildlife refuges and salmon runs in dire straits.

H&N article about impending crisis in the Klamath Basin

The Herald and News today featured an article by Alex Schwartz detailing the impending water crisis...

Newspaper article: This wildlife refuge is drying up. An anonymous rancher wants to save it.

Herald and News reporter Alex Schwartz reports on CWA's efforts to purchase water rights for the Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge.

Newspaper article: Botulism could decimate California wild ducks again. How hunters are trying to save them

Sacramento Bee reporter Ryan Sabalow writes about California Waterfowl's efforts to secure water rights for the Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge.
News Klamath Mallards

Lower Klamath update: a huge step forward

March 4, 2021—In an exciting development, California Waterfowl has entered into an agreement to purchase rights to...
News Advocacy Waterfowl Klamath

Lower Klamath backgrounder: biological opinions and their role in keeping LKNWR dry

One of the federal policy actions driving the lack of water for the Lower Klamath NWR is the develo...
News Klamath

Lower Klamath: 2021 water prognosis not good

All indications are that the Lower Klamath NWR will not receive any water deliveries at all during...
News Klamath

Lower Klamath: Solution hinges on new administration

(Originally published in the Spring 2021 edition of California Waterfowl Magazine.) by JEFFREY A. V...
News Advocacy Waterfowl Klamath

A key precursor to getting more water for Lower Klamath

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is accepting comments on its draft environmental assessment of w...
News Klamath

Klamath Update: The fight for every drop of water

by JEFFREY A. VOLBERG, DIRECTOR OF WATER LAW AND POLICY (Originally published in the Winter 2020 is...
News Hunting News Advocacy Waterfowl Klamath Mallards

Opening weekend mallard harvest down at key CA refuges

One of the (many) reasons California Waterfowl is concerned about the plight of the Lower Klamath N...
News Advocacy Waterfowl Klamath

Lower Klamath NWR: final botulism tally, dismal live bird counts

Given how little water the Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge got this summer (more about why b...

Bureau of Reclamation announces 5,400 acre feet for Klamath refuges

The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation announced today that it is sending another 5,400 acre feet of water to the Tule Lake and Lower Klamath national wildlife refuges in an attempt to help address the horrific avian botulism outbreak.

Video: This is what botulism response looks like

CWA would like to thank Waterfowl Programs Supervisor Caroline Brady (shown in this video), the staff of the Klamath Basin National Wildlife Refuge Complex, Bird Ally X (water bird rehabbers) and others ...
News Klamath Mallards

This dead mallard shows why Klamath matters to the entire state

If you'd like to understand why water supply problems in the Klamath Basin are a problem for ALL Cal...
News Press release Advocacy Klamath

California Waterfowl creates task force to fight for water-starved Lower Klamath NWR

August 11, 2020—California Waterfowl has combined forces with key volunteers to create a Lower Klamath Refuge Task Force...
News Advocacy Waterfowl Klamath

Botulism Outbreak at Klamath

According to USFWS staff, a current botulism outbreak at the Klamath Basin National Wildlife Refuge...

Water arrives - San Francisco Chronicle article

The San Francisco Chronicle featured a story today by Tom Stienstra about the recent water delivery to the Klamath Basin National Wildlife Refuge Complex.