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Assembly Bill 28 was signed into law this week

An unfortunate bill that adds an additional tax on the sale of firearms and ammunition.
News Advocacy

Advocacy: 30x30 initiative, pintail model requests and ammunition/gun tax updates

Here’s how we’ve been fighting for wetlands, waterfowl and hunting.
News Member News Regulations Hunting News Advocacy Waterfowl

CWA, PF Waterfowl Groups Pen Letter to Service on Pintail AHM Revision

In anticipation of a draft pintail model being released by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) this fall as part of the long-awaited pintail harvest strategy revision, CWA and several other state waterfowl associations within the Pacific Flyway have asked that it include certain elements to help ensure that, to the extent possible, it promotes expanded hunter opportunity
News Advocacy

Advocacy: Seasons and bag limits, council recommendations, gun control bills and more

Here’s how we’ve been fighting for wetlands, waterfowl and hunting.
News Member News Regulations Hunting News Advocacy

End of Season Survey Results

2023 CWA End-of-Season Survey. California Waterfowl uses the results to understand the needs, interests and preferences of waterfowl hunters in California. Opinions help guide our position on regulations and other public policy issues!
News Advocacy

Advocacy: 2023-24 waterfowl regulations, proposed regulation changes, reintroduced taxes and more

Here’s how we’ve been fighting for wetlands, waterfowl and hunting.
News Advocacy Klamath

Our unwavering Commitment to Lower Klamath

Our Continued Commitment to Obtain a Permanent Water Supply for the Lower Klamath I want to take this opportunity to give you an update on our ongoing effort to secure a permanent, reliable supply of water for the Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge.
News Press release Hunting News Advocacy

F&G Commission Considers Several Issues of Interest to Waterfowl Hunters

CWA staff was in attendance at the latest meeting, representing waterfowlers all across the state.
News Advocacy

Advocacy: Pintail limit discussions, gun control bills, e-license consideration and more

Read about CWA's recent efforts in Sacramento and Washington, D.C. Topics include firearm-related bill outcomes, support for e-licenses, pintail limit discussions and more.
News Press release Advocacy

AB 160 Signed by governor, clears way for organizations to market shooting sports to youth again

We are happy to report that AB 160 was just signed into law by the governor. This state legislation exempts the communication and marketing of youth hunting, hunter education, sport shooting activities and competitions from restrictions put in place under AB 2571.
News Hunting News Advocacy

USDA's APHIS allows limited import of waterfowl from Canada

In response to a number of hunting groups, including CWA, APHIS has modified their ban on the transportation of waterfowl from Canada for the upcoming season.
News Advocacy

Updates from CWA's advocacy team

Read about CWA's efforts to make youth groups accessible and extend the junior hunter age, and their opposition to gun control legislation and the repeal of the Pittman-Robertson Act.
News Advocacy

Action Alert - AB 1227, additional 11% excise tax on firearms & ammo

AB 1227 would place an additional 11% tax on arms and munitions.
News Hunting News Advocacy

Hunter Input Needed on Refuge Hunting Access

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is seeking public comments on identifying National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) or other Service -managed lands where members of the public would most like to see new or improved recreational access, including for hunting and other wildlife-dependent recreation. One of the stated purposes of the solicitation is to create more equitable access for all Americans.
News Advocacy

Anti-Gun Legislation Still Pending in CA Legislature

CA State legislature goes on recess, leaving anti-gun legislation pending. AB 1227 would place an additional 11% tax on arms and munitions and SB 505 would require gun owners to purchase liability insurance.
News Advocacy

CWA State Legislative Update

On June 24, California Waterfowl spoke at a number of hearings at the State capitol on bills of interest to hunters and other sportsmen.
News Advocacy

Advocacy updates and 2022-23 regulations

Read about CWA's opposition to a dog training restrictions bill and a Benicia hunting ban petition, CWA's fight for waterfowl conservation funding, and the new waterfowl regulations for 2022-23.
News Advocacy

F&G Commission Seeks Input From DFW on Benicia Waterfowl Hunting Ban Petition

The California Fish and Game Commission recently considered a proposal by a resident of the City of Benicia to ban waterfowl hunting on navigable waters, including Southampton Bay, and certain shoreline areas adjacent to the City.  CWA, along with many concerned hunters and other hunting groups, urged the Commission to reject the Benicia hunt ban petition. 
News Advocacy

New fee, new hope

A stamp surcharge provides funding to implement the Nesting Bird Habitat Incentive Program to help game birds.
News Advocacy

Advocacy update: gun tax and bear hunting ban

A huge proposed tax on guns and ammunition in California has failed, but a petition to the Fish and Game Commission seeks to ban bear hunting.
News Advocacy

2021's conservation wins at the Capitol

CWA continues to fight for waterfowl, wetlands and hunting.
News Advocacy Klamath

Our first big milestone… But still many miles to go

CWA successfully acquired a permanent water right for Lower Klamath, but there's still much work to be done in the fight for water.
News Advocacy Mallards

CA hunters step up for wildlife once again

The governor signed CWA-sponsored AB 614 late Thursday, ushering in an era of hope for beleaguered mallard and pheasant populations.
News Advocacy

Updates from California Waterfowl's Advocacy Team

Read about a change in DFW's budget that will provide more money for waterfowl habitat programs, CWA's fight for a water right transfer, and the bills that CWA is sponsoring, supporting or opposing.