CWA President John Carlson, Jr., with Pintail Legacy Society Member and Diamond Benefactor John Simmons at the 2018 President's Dinner.
California Waterfowl is grateful to members of its Pintail Legacy Society – people who've chosen to ensure a strong future for waterfowl, wetlands and hunting in California by leaving gifts through their estate.
We honor their commitment each year with our annual President's Dinner.
For more information on ways to donate through your estate, please click here.
Harry and Betty Adamson*♦ – read article (PDF)
Guy B. Benhase*
Mark and Gayle Bittner♦
Damon F. Brown and Sarah Andrews Brown*♦
Hamilton & Elaine Budge*♦
David F. Calhoon*♦
John & Michelle Carlson♦ - read article (PDF)
Dean T. Copsey*♦
Mike & Niran Cullins♦ – read article (PDF)
Marilyn Cundiff♦
John DeDominic♦
Eric Duemling
Don Ekstrom♦
Lee* & Margaret Erickson♦
Gordon & Jeanne Evans♦
Arthur W. Feidler*♦
Robert Franco – read article (PDF)
Rebel Freitas
Tracey Fremd♦
David Fry
Billy Gianquinto
Arnold Goldschlager, MD*
Alex Gonsalves♦ – read article (PDF)
Stuart Greenberg and Debra Milani
Robert F. Heitman
George Kammerer III♦ - read article (PDF)
William A. Karges♦
Cindy Ng and William “Bill” Lafayette♦
Colby S. LaPlace, Jr.♦
Richard Litsch
Pat & Leigh Mastrantonio♦
Al Petrovich & Sandy Miles
John W. Millett*♦
Gordon L. Nelson
Rob Plath♦
Charles Raffety*♦ – read article (PDF)
Michael & Chris Reynolds
Daniel O. Shattuc*
John Simmons♦ – read article (PDF)
Richard C. Timmer♦ - read article (PDF)
Tom Tolliver♦
Robert R. Towner*
Henry F. Trione*♦ - read article (PDF)
Jerry and Patti* Urban♦
David & Tina Ventura – read article (PDF)
Russell & Kathi Webb♦ – read article (PDF)
James Wheeler
John Wilhelm♦
Robert Young♦
♦ Denotes major donor
* Denotes deceased