Aug 30, 2024
Fall issue on its way to members
The Fall issue of California Waterfowl will soon be landing in members’ mailboxes. Not a member? Not a problem. Join now by clicking here, and you’ll be on the list to get future issues as long as you remain a member. Then email Editor Julie Do at jdo@calwaterfowl.org to get this issue mailed to you as well.
Here are some of the highlights of the Fall issue:
Season stats (print issue only). What did resi draw odds look like at different hunt areas? What were the top harvested species in California in 2023-24? Holly Heyser covers all this and more in her analysis of hunter and harvest statistics from Type A/B state wildlife areas and national wildlife refuges.
Honor Roll. A huge thank you to our generous Life Members for their commitment to supporting waterfowl, wetlands and hunting in California. Their philanthropy is crucial to helping CWA continue its conservation work.
Fall Habitat Forecast (print issue only). Overall, 2024 has been a pretty good year for wetland management, thanks to a combination of a decent water year this past winter and significant carryover supplies from 2022-23. The majority of wetlands in California received close to a full water allocation this year, though there were some exceptions in northeastern parts of the state. CDFW Wetland Conservation Program Supervisor Brian Olson gives a summary of what you can expect at the various regions/basins this season.
Advocacy, presented by Federal Premium Ammunition. CWA Vice President for Advocacy Mark Hennelly discusses CWA's latest involvement in advocacy topics including: the status of roadkill salvage implementation, gun control and wetland protection bills in the state Legislature; a three-pintail limit for the 2025-26 season; a ballot measure that would pave the way for the California Forever project; and a climate bond that includes significant funding to address refuge water needs.
Canine Corner, sponsored by SportDOG® Brand. Hunting short — aka when your dog stops short of what it's supposed to do and checks back with you — has a lot to do with its confidence. Veteran retriever trainer Josh Miller explains how to combat this behavior with a proactive training approach.
Habitat work. California Waterfowl biologists are constantly working hard to improve wetlands all over the state on public land and CWA-owned properties. Read about what we’ve accomplished at our recent project sites.
Barrett Waterfowl Program (print issue only). Dedicated volunteers like David Blackston have gone the extra mile to make sure the Barrett Waterfowl Program in San Diego County stays alive. Read about how Blackston has been spreading awareness of this program and introducing new people to a decades-long spot of tradition for hunters.
And lots more...
As always, you'll find our Cuisine column, Hunter Health and much more.