Aug 30, 2023
Fall issue on its way to members
The Fall issue of California Waterfowl will soon be landing in members’ mailboxes. Not a member? Not a problem. Join now by clicking here, and you’ll be on the list to get future issues as long as you remain a member. Then email Editor Julie Do at jdo@calwaterfowl.org to get this issue mailed to you as well.
Here are some of the highlights of the Fall issue:
Season stats (print issue only). Curious about which species were harvested the most in California in 2022-23? Or want to know what the resi draw odds were at different hunt areas? This issue’s season stats, put together by Holly Heyser, take a look at key takeaways from hunter and harvest statistics from Type A/B state wildlife areas and national wildlife refuges.
Top shooting mistakes (print issue only). The first step in correcting a shooting mistake is learning how to diagnose it. Shotgun expert Phil Bourjaily explains the five main reasons people miss, how to identify the miss and what to do to correct the bad habit.
Fall Habitat Forecast. Though there are still a few areas statewide that will continue to struggle to reflood wetlands this year, habitat conditions across many parts of the state are actually looking pretty good. CDFW Wetland Conservation Program Supervisor Brian Olson gives a summary of what you can expect habitat-wise at California's different regions/basins this season.
Gear Guide. Check out some of the latest shotguns, ammo, apparel and much more in our fall gear guide. Whether you’re looking to replace worn out items, try out the newest technology, or find someone a gift, we’ve got you covered.
Advocacy, presented by Federal Premium Ammunition. Vice President for Advocacy Mark Hennelly discusses the strategy to help guide and implement the 30x30 conservation initiative, which CWA and several other stakeholders provided input for. He also outlines the changes that CWA requested for the new pintail model and gives an update on AB 28, an ammunition/gun tax measure that CWA is opposing.
Canine Corner, sponsored by SportDOG® Brand. In Part 3 of our blind retrieves series, SportDOG Brand Sr. ProStaff Tom Dokken walks you through the basics of lining, meaning you're sending your dog from the heel position to pick up a stationary object. This will be crucial in hunting situations where you need to line your dog to a bird that it didn't see fall.
Honor Roll. Thank you to our Major Donors and Life Members for their commitment to supporting CWA's programs and mission to improve the state of waterfowl, wetlands and hunting in California. Their philanthropy gets us closer to meeting the goals in our Strategic Plan, so we are honored to list them in this issue.
Habitat work. CWA's biologists are busier than ever, working up and down the state tirelessly to improve wetlands. They have replaced infrastructure, flooded wetlands, expanded habitat, refurbished areas and eradicated invasive plants. Staff have already seen quite a few of the units already being visited by many breeding birds.
And lots more...
As always, you'll find our Cuisine column, Hunter Health and much more.