Hunt dates: 2/8/25
Application type: Special application
Cost: Free
Region: Delta
For: Veterans or active-duty military*
Capacity: 2 hunters
Restrictions: none
Description: The 6,000-acre McDonald Island is located in the California Delta, roughly 20 minutes from Stockton. The property is adjacent to Mandeville and Medford islands. Hunting will take place in the wetlands scattered throughout the island or on flooded corn fields. Hunters will arrive the day of the hunt for a dinner and to meet the hosting club members and volunteers. Two veterans will be selected.
*Open to any active-duty service member, or veteran of the military, naval or air service who was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable.
Learn more about the Veteran Hunt Program.
Hunt dates: 12/11 and 2/8*The hunt on 2/8 will not come with lodging or food*
Application type: Special application
Cost: Free
Region: Sacramento Valley
For: Veteran* or active-duty military
Restrictions: none
Description: Butte Creek Island Ranch -this 110-acre, CWA-owned property - sits between Butte Creek and Sanborn Slough, across from the famed Little Dry Creek unit of the Upper Butte Basin Wildlife Area. Hunts will take place either in stand-up blinds or pit blinds located in three separate units. Mallards and wood ducks are common in the area, as they come into the marsh after feeding in nearby rice.
Sanborn Slough-This 260-acre, newly acquired CWA-owned property sits between Sanborn Slough and Cherokee Channel, across from the famed Little Dry Creek unit of the Upper Butte Basin Wildlife Area. Hunts will take place in stand-up blinds scattered across the wetland unit. Hunters will boat to selected blinds.
Decoys and transportation near the blind is provided. Overnight lodging and meals provided.*The hunt on 2/8 will not come with lodging or food*
Special thanks to Closed Zone Farms for providing mowing and discing services to CWA’s Butte Creek Island Ranch and Sanborn Slough properties.
*Open to any active-duty service member, or veteran of the military, naval or air service who was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable.
Learn more about the Veteran Hunt Program.

Hunt dates: 2/8/25
Application type: Lottery
Cost: Free
Region: Tulare Basin
For: Veterans or Active Military
Capacity: 3 hunters
Restrictions: Blind #1 at the Houchin Unit will have the option to hunt the entire unit or hunt from the floating blind or stand-up blind. One member of the hunting party must be able to push the floating blind out to the desired hunt location.
Description: CWA's Goose Lake property located just south of Lost Hills consists of 2,175 acres of total habitat. In 2014, we reconstructed 300-acres of wetlands on the Houchin Unit to improve water use efficiency and promote the growth of waterfowl food plants, such as swamp timothy and watergrass.
New-The 926 acre Badger-Almond Unit has undergone separate restoration/reconstruction efforts since acquisition in 2014. In 2015 CWA restored the eastern 320 acres of fallow farmland into 300 acres of palustrine emergent wetlands and 20 acres of upland habitat. In 2018 through a project funded by NAWCA and WCB, CWA reconstructed 346 acres of previously developed ground by NRCS to allow for more efficient moist soil management practices. No all-season roads. Access will be closed with inclement weather.
Hunt dates: 11/27, 12/7, 1/4, and 2/8*The hunt on 2/8 will not come with lodging or food*
Application type: Special application
Cost: Free
Region: Suisun Marsh
For: Veteran* or active-duty military
Restrictions: none
Description: This is a California Waterfowl owned property encompassing 762 acres and located in the Suisun Marsh off Highway 12. The hunt area consists of three Xfowler floating blinds and three Black Box Pit Blinds. Hunters will arrive Friday night for dinner. Each blind will have a volunteer guide. the volunteer guide will help with blind safety, waterfowl identification, decoy placement, bird retrieval, calling, etc.*The hunt on 2/8 will not come with lodging or food*
*Open to any active-duty service member, or veteran of the military, naval or air service who was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable.
Learn more about the Veteran Hunt Program.
View the Denverton drone video here.

Hunt dates: 2/8/25
Application type: Special application
Cost: Free
Region: Suisun Marsh
For: Veteran* or active-duty military
Restrictions: none
Description: This is a California Waterfowl-owned property in the famed Suisun Marsh, bordering Grizzly Island Wildlife Area. Grizzly Ranch is over 900 acres and the wetlands are managed by CWA biologists. Decoys and transportation to and from the blinds is provided. Ten groups of two hunters will be drawn on each hunt date. Hunters will draw for blinds the morning of the hunt.

Hunt dates: 12/14 and 12/15
Application type: Special application
Cost: Free
Region: Suisun Marsh
For: Veteran* or active-duty military
Restrictions: none
Description: This is a California Waterfowl-owned property in the famed Suisun Marsh, bordering Grizzly Island Wildlife Area. Grizzly Ranch is over 900 acres and the wetlands are managed by CWA biologists. Decoys and transportation to and from the blinds is provided. Ten groups of two hunters will be drawn on each hunt date. Hunters will draw for blinds the morning of the hunt.
Separate hunters will be drawn for each hunt date. You may apply for both days.

Hunt dates: 12/14, 1/11, and 2/8*The hunt on 2/8 will not come with lodging or food*
Application type: Special application
Cost: Free
Region: CA Delta
For: Veteran* or active-duty military
Restrictions: none
The Delta island is 9,200 acres and located roughly 10 miles east of Rio Vista. It is home to thousands of wintering ducks, geese, swans and cranes. A large population of Aleutian geese winter on the island. Crops consist of corn, rice, triticale, potatoes and hay. Hunters will hunt from pit blinds in flooded, harvested rice fields. Water depth ranges from 6 to 24 inches. Blind stools and decoys provided.
Special conditions: Hunters will arrive the night before the hunt for dinner. Each blind will have a waterfowl guide. The volunteer guide will assist with calling, decoy set-up, bird ID, retrieving birds and more. Food and lodging included.*The hunt on 2/8 will not come with lodging or food*
Open to any active-duty service member, or veteran of the military, naval or air service who was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable.
Learn more about the Veteran Hunt Program.
Hunt dates: TBD
Application type: Special application
Cost: Free
Region: Sacramento Valley
For: Veterans or active-duty military*
Capacity: Multiple hunters
Restrictions: none
Description: CWA Veteran Hunt Program and some extremely gracious landowners and Volunteer Guides have donated POP-UP (when the geese are there you gotta go) goose hunts for VETERANS. VHP will provide hunts from the Delta Islands, Dixon, Colusa area, over to the west side of the valley near Sacramento Wildlife Refuge, and in between. These hunts are not for the faint of heart, as it will be mornings as early as 3am setting up decoy spreads into the thousands.
*You must know that you could be notified as little as 24-48 hours before the day of the hunt. We do our best to get notice out well before each hunt, but it is not always possible.
*Open to any active-duty service member, or veteran of the military, naval or air service who was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable.
Learn more about the Veteran Hunt Program.

Hunt dates: Oct-Jan
Application type: Special application
Cost: Free
Region: Sacramento Valley
For: Veteran* or active-duty military
Restrictions: none
Join California Waterfowl on a truly enjoyable Veteran hunt with Moon Lake Duck Club. This club is located between the Sacramento NWR and Delavan NWR and is a season-long attraction for the large amount of ducks and geese wintering in this area. You will hunt out of flooded rice fields and well-maintained pit blinds and enjoy shooting waterfowl at close ranges and “feet down” in the decoys. This is one of those remarkable hunts brought to CWA via a generous donor supporting our Veteran Hunt Program. Hunts will occur every Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday during the season as well as storm days. It will be 2 groups of 2-3 veterans per hunt depending on weather conditions.
Special conditions: Open to any active-duty service member, or veteran of the military, naval or air service who was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable. Learn more about the Veteran Hunt Program.