Jun 3, 2020
Press release: $1M grant a boon to Grassland ducks
California Waterfowl was awarded $1M in federal funding through the North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) grant program last month for its Wetlands of the Grassland Ecological Area, Phase II grant proposal. Our proposal was the second highest ranked NAWCA project IN THE ENTIRE NATION! Scott Capra, our San Joaquin Valley regional biologist, deserves all the credit. Nice work Scott!
This project is a collaborative effort between three state agencies, private landowners, and California Waterfowl, and will restore and enhance wetland, upland and riparian habitat throughout the San Joaquin Valley. NAWCA grant funds will be used on projects varying from the enhancement of existing managed seasonal wetlands, planting riparian corridors and also restoring old farm ground to new wetland habitat. This project will restore and enhance 3,727 acres and result in $3.1 million dollars in on the ground habitat conservation efforts with additional partner contributions. Public land projects will occur on hunt-able units on the Salt Slough Unit and China Island Unit of the North Grasslands Wildlife Area as well as on the Volta Wildlife Area. Stay tuned for further project updates!