Nov 29, 2022
Winter issue on its way to members
The Winter issue of California Waterfowl will soon be landing in members’ mailboxes. Not a member? Not a problem. Join now by clicking here, and you’ll be on the list to get future issues as long as you remain a member. Then email Editor Julie Do at jdo@calwaterfowl.org to get this issue mailed to you as well.
Here are some of the highlights of the Winter issue:
Spectacular Specks (print issue only). What's so special about specklebellies? Besides the fact that they're delicious, for people like outdoors writer M.D. Johnson and guide Brett Overshiner, it's the thrill of getting the technique just right when hunting them. Johnson chats with Overshiner to hear his thoughts on how to best set up spreads for specks and call them in.
Advocacy, presented by Federal Premium Ammunition. CWA's advocacy team has been keeping busy in both Sacramento and Washington, D.C. Vice President for Advocacy Mark Hennelly discusses the outcomes of recent bills that would affect youth, gunowners, hunters and dog trainers. (For the latest info on legislative action, sign up for action alerts here.) He also describes CWA's latest involvement with other hunting and conservation organizations, discussions about Klamath water and pintail regulations, and the results from the Fish and Game Commission's October meeting.
Mid-Season Corrections (print issue only). Everyone has times when they miss more than they're used to. A prolonged shooting slump can be frustrating and hard to pull yourself out of. Sometimes it's due to your gear; sometimes it's because of your technique; and sometimes it's from you self-sabotaging yourself with negative thoughts. In this article, Phil Bourjaily focuses on the mental aspects you can focus on to help pull yourself out of a shooting slump.
Gear Guide. Cross off your holiday checklist by gifting the waterfowlers in your life new gear. We have recommendations for items ranging from guns, chokes, ammo, apparel and more. If you're one of those people who can't help getting gifts for your pup too, we've also got you covered for that.
Banding stories (print issue only). For avid hunters, nothing probably quite beats the thrill of downing a banded bird. Bands provide biologists with valuable information about a bird's movements, and writer Holly Heyser dove deep into the data to find some of the standout stories.
Once in a Lifetime. In addition to fun shoots, hunter ed courses and waterfowl, dove and turkey hunts, CWA's Veteran Hunt Program offers our servicemen and women fishing trips too. CWA Veteran Hunt Program Coordinator Mike Peeters recounts the unforgettable, all-expenses paid fishing trip that eight veterans experienced after flying out to Alaska.
Canine Corner, sponsored by SportDOG® Brand. Some of the more common retriever issues that crop up during the season are breaking, sloppy bird handling and ignoring handling commands. Author Charlie Jurney explains how to break these bad habits by practicing specific exercises with your dog during the hunting season.
As always, you'll find our Cuisine column, Hunter Health and much more.