Feb 7, 2024
Special Youth Hunt days were a huge success!
Special Youth Hunt days were a huge success!
While duck season was not a great season for most hunters this 2023-2024 season, the youth hunt was quite the opposite. Kids along with their chaperones were able to brave crazy weather and quite a few kids left the duck blinds and marsh with great harvests and full game straps. One lucky boy got himself a banded duck as well. While these success stories are great to read about and possibly be jealous of, the main takeaway is that the youth or next generation of conservationists were able to go outside and enjoy nature to the fullest. These kids and teens were able to begin or continue to carry one familial legacy or begin making new lifelong memories that they will get to cherish and hopefully pass on to their children one day! Here is to all the mentors, family members, and of course youth hunters that braved the elements and went out and had a great time without a screen in front of them and enjoyed the hunting heritage that we all live for!