Apr 20, 2022
CWA Funds Spring 2022 Water Delivery to Lower Klamath Refuge
In light of ongoing drought and significantly reduced wetland habitat conditions, California Waterfowl has entered into a contract with Klamath Drainage District (KDD), farmers located north of the Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge, to purchase up to 2,000 acre-feet of agricultural drain water to help maintain water levels in Unit 2 and possibly also flood Unit 3. The deliveries will help support locally breeding waterfowl like mallard, gadwall, cinnamon teal and Canada geese as well as a number of migratory ducks and geese which are still using the area before heading north later this spring.
Currently, other than Unit 2, the rest of the Refuge is essentially dry while neighboring Tule Lake Refuge only has one wetland unit flooded (i.e. Sump 1B), creating some of the driest conditions both refuges have ever faced at this time of year.
Without additional water deliveries, the little waterfowl breeding that is occurring will be negatively impacted and likely result in stranding of mallard and other waterfowl broods. It is hoped that a separate water purchase that CWA is also facilitating with a landowner above Upper Klamath Lake will help supplement the KDD delivery later this spring and summer.
CWA appreciates its partnership with KDD and the Refuge and looks forward to working with both entities to secure this agricultural drain water for the Refuge in future water years.
We're doing it folks! We're acquiring water anyway we can. But we STILL need your help! Please consider making a donation to help further our efforts. We've made it easy for you here: https://calwaterfowl.org/funds/lower-klamath