Sep 6, 2018
Fall issue of California Waterfowl
The Fall issue of California Waterfowl will soon be landing in members’ mailboxes, and we’ve got some great stories for our readers! Here are some of the highlights:
That cover photo! Awesome shot, right? The new-to-California Waterfowl photographer is Jeff Moore of Illinois. You can check out more of his work here.
Duck counts are down nationwide, but some key populations in California are up. Waterfowl Programs Supervisor Caroline Brady lays out key trends and what they mean for California hunters this season.
No one believed it when Mark Reinhardt and Joe Devlin told friends the sprig they'd shot last season had been banded in Hawaii. But it was true. How'd they get there? Editor Holly Heyser tells us what we know, and what we don't know about this phenomenon.
California Waterfowl bought a duck club in the Butte Sink this summer. Chief Operating Officer Jake Messerli explains why we did it, and what we're doing to do with it. The story is available online - click here for PDF!
Hunters numbers are down nationwide, but editor Holly Heyser found a silver lining in California. It's all in By the Numbers.
Seasons, bag limits and shoot times are detailed in a pullout poster and pocket guide! Large (18x24) versions are available now in our online store.
Public- and CWA-land hunting will be better this year thanks to the work of our regional biologists. If you hunt these lands, be sure to check out this feature so see where you can find some of the best new spots to hunt.
It's Honor Roll time – see who's stepped up to support California Waterfowl in the Life Member and Major Benefactor programs.
And we've got some cool new stuff in the Gear Guide, too - available online!
California Waterfowl also welcomes two new advertisers this issue:
- Webfoot Outfitters is a guide service operating in Southern Oregon, with duck and goose hunts in the Klamath Basin.
- The Hat Source may be new to the magazine, but it's old hat to CWA members (sorry, couldn't resist!), whether you know it or not – they've been making CWA's hats since 2005!