Dec 20, 2023
CWA Advocacy update - H.R. 6854 Introduced
CWA Advocacy update -
House Resolution (H.R.) 6854 Introduced
California Waterfowl has joined with our partners at Delta Waterfowl and Ducks Unlimited to support federal legislation that would provide critical breeding habitat for waterfowl both in California and the Prairie Pothole Region of the Upper Midwest. House Resolution (H.R.) 6854 was just introduced by Rep. Michelle Fischbach (R-MN) to create two grant programs administered by the U.S. Department of Interior to provide incentives to landowners to implement practices that create and enhance habitat specifically for breeding waterfowl.
If signed into law, it would promote additional upland nesting cover and brood ponds in California to aid our local mallards, whose breeding populations have declined to near record lows in recent years in light of changing farming practices and reduced water availability. It would also support the establishment and maintenance of hen houses in the Prairie Pothole Region to improve nest success there.
California Representatives Doug La Malfa (R-Richvale) and Mike Thompson (D-Napa) are co-sponsors of H.R. 6854.
To monitor the progress of this important legislation, please go to: H.R.6854 - 118th Congress (2023-2024): To direct the Secretary of the Interior to establish 2 grant programs to sustain populations of species of migratory waterfowl through the deployment of tools and practices that complement habitat conservation. | Congress.gov | Library of Congress