Although almost all of California's future wildlife managers are outdoorsy people, fewer and fewer of them have experience with hunting before they enter the workforce.
CWA's College Camp, held each year at the gorgeous Bird Haven Ranch in the Upper Butte Basin, is a collaborative effort with multiple universities that aims to bridge that gap between the classroom and the active management of our waterfowl populations.
This hunter camp is designed to give students first-hand experience in the waders of duck and other bird hunters, so that in the future when or if you work with hunters, you will have a better understanding of the stimulus for their passion and respect for animals and their habitats. This camp focuses on hunter and gun safety as well as the conservation efforts that California Waterfowl puts into effect.
They learn about firearm use and safety, learn to shoot shotguns and archery, and will receive a hunting license as well as the duck stamp needed to hunt for the upcoming season. College students learn about bird ID, waterfowl ecology, and wetland restoration. Sunday morning they experience a duck hunt, with a personal guide at a fabulous private wetland. Students may choose not to shoot at all – that’s not the point. This is not a camp designed to convert anyone.
The main thing is that students understand what goes into making that choice and learning about why many folks hunt waterfowl and other wildlife, when they care about them so much. CWA will provide any gear that is needed such as waders, jackets, etc. Students meet with wildlife managers and professionals throughout the weekend to get a better idea of what the different opportunities on the horizon will entail. Lastly, we will give them the opportunity to process and clean the game harvested as well.
Each camp includes:
- All lodging and meals.
- Any gear needed will also be provided.
- We will provide your hunting license and duck stamps as long as you have completed the required Hunter's Education Certification
- We do require that you take the online Hunters Education portion of the course and we will provide the 4-hour follow up course with review. You will take your test after the review and must pass with an 80%.