
California Waterfowl's advocacy team works actively with lawmakers from both parties to promote legislation beneficial to wetlands and hunting. We also fight detrimental bills, either opposing them outright or, when they're certain to pass, working to minimize detrimental impacts.

While CWA is focused on waterfowl, we often take positions on legislation affecting other species or forms of hunting because we know our members have diverse conservation and hunting interests. We also lobby on firearm legislation that could negatively affect law-abiding hunters.

If you sign up for our action alerts, we'll let you know when it's time to contact your representatives in Sacramento or Washington, D.C., and we'll make it easy for you to contact them by email through our Voter Voice system.



There are dozens of bills that CWA is currently monitoring.  Below are the ones that we have thus far taken a position on and are actively lobbying:


Sustainable groundwater management: managed wetlands

AB 828 (Connolly) – Would provide a temporary exemption for certain managed wetlands from the implementation of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), which has imposed groundwater pumping restrictions and associated fees for landowners in overdrafted groundwater basins.  This includes duck clubs in the Tulare Basin and East Grasslands that rely heavily on groundwater resources to annually flood their wetlands and are currently being threatened by SGMA implementation. Bill Text - AB-828 Sustainable groundwater management: managed wetlands. (ca.gov)

Hunting: navigable waters

SB 1226 (Cortese) – Clarifies the legal ability to hunt navigable floodwaters and states that the public has a right to use navigable waters for hunting purposes.  https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202320240SB1226 The full letter of support by CWA and other conservation organizations can be found here.

Wetlands: state policy

AB 2875 (Friedman)Would declare the policy of the State of California to ensure no net loss of and long-term gain in the quality, quantity and permanence of wetlands.  The bill essentially codifies into state law the “No Net Loss of Wetlands” executive order that was established under Governor Pete Wilson in 1993.   https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202320240AB2875 

Wildlife-vehicle collisions: wildlife salvage permits

SB 1163 (Dahle) – Would require DFW to implement a pilot program to allow members of the public to use and report the roadkill of certain game mammals.  Bill Text - SB-1163 Wildlife-vehicle collisions: wildlife salvage permits. (ca.gov)  The full letter of support by CWA and other conservation organizations can be found here.


voter voice

Firearms: annual registration of firearms

SB 1160 (Portantino) – Requires the annual registration and payment of a fee for all firearms.  Bill Text - SB-1160 Firearms: annual registration of firearms. (ca.gov)

The full letter of opposition by CWA and other conservation organizations can be found here.

Firearms: storage

SB 53 (Portantino) – Would require that all firearms in a residence be secured with locked box or safe, subject to criminal penalties.  Bill Text - SB-53 Firearms: storage. (ca.gov)

Beaver restoration

AB 2196 (Connolly) – Would require the Department of Fish and Wildlife (DFW) to develop a plan to promote beaver restoration across the state.  https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202320240AB2196

Residential property insurance: firearms

AB 3067 (Gibson) – Would require a homeowners or rental insurance provider to ask the homeowner/renter about the presence and storage of any firearms, with the information provided annually to the Department of Insurance and State Legislature. Bill Text - AB-3067 Residential property insurance: firearms. (ca.gov) 

The full letter of opposition by CWA and other conservation organizations can be found here.



Habitat Enhancement Now Act (SUPPORT)

H.R. 6854Would create a grant program to provide waterfowl breeding habitat over a 5-year period, including $1.5 million per year for nesting cover and brood water acquisition in California. Text of H.R. 6854: Habitat Enhancement Now Act (Introduced version) - GovTrack.us


Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act (OPPOSE)

H.R. 4394Would deem the fish and wildlife mitigation components of the Central Valley Project Improvement Act (CVPIA) complete, thereby ending water purchases for Central Valley State Wildlife Areas, National Wildlife Refuges and private lands in the Grassland Water District. Text - H.R.4394 - 118th Congress (2023-2024): Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024 | Congress.gov | Library of Congress 

Proposed rule of refuge management letter of opposition can be found here.

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